Saturday, 16 January 2021

New Dance to Practice at Home

 Ani Mori Nuse (Albania)

We will be trying out Ani Mori Nuse at dance class on January 19th.

You can find the Choreography here:

Here is a video to dance along with at home. 


 And now for a public service message:

COVID-19 vaccine clinics will be held in Yellowknife January 18-22, 2021 for individuals 60 years of age and older. 

Contact Public Health at (867) 767-9120 to book an appointment. Check out the COVID-19 vaccination schedule for more information:

Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Classes for January 2021

 We are continuing to meet on Tuesdays in January. Here are a few dances to check out and try at home before next week's class on the 12th.

Starting in Eastern Europe...

Stockton Goralski - Poland

 You can find the choreography here or here.


 Na Polonyni - Ukraine

 You can find the choreography here.


And now heading south to Armenia, we have....

Mom Bar (Candle Dance) - Armenia

 You will find the choreography here.


Now we will travel across the seas to Latin America, with....

Tres Deseos - Latin

The choreography is available here.

You can find the instructional video here.

Finally we move north to Louisiana...

Louisiana Saturday Night - USA

The choreography is available here.


Happy dancing!